Today was a great day for a race. Diane's Folsom Lake Winter Trail Race Series had it's 3rd race in the series today and what a great race it was. She offered 3 miles, 7 miles, and 13 mile distances. On Diane's recommendation, in keeping with my training, I did the 7 miler. Awesome, awesome, awesome.
I already love the Brown's Ravine trails, but today she had us take a route I've never taken before, and I loved it! Thanks Diane, now I have more choices out there - woo hoo.
The distance ended up falling a little short of 7 miles. My Garmin registered 6.77 miles total. I felt great! I walked several of the steeper climbs, but for the most part, I ran it. I finished in 1:20:14, which gave me an average pace of 11:51 per mile. This is really good for me on the trails. I'm quite pleased. Thanks Diane for pushing me to get my miles in during the week. I think it really paid off today.
I'd like to send a 2nd (I sent one on the FTR site - hope she hears about it) shout out to 9-year old Brooke Reid (almost 10) who missed her 3 mile turn off and continued on the 7 mile path. When I caught up to her, shortly after the aid station, approximately 4.5 miles into the race, she didn't even realize she had missed the turn off. She was kind enough to run slow enough for me to keep up with her - she is so nice! But that only lasted until we hit the levie, then she was gone! Left me in the dust! Oh well! :) Brooke, you rock!
Tomorrow is a rest day, and I'm gonna utilize every minute of it, even though I have to go to work.
Way to go, Shannon!